Ghana Month

The students enjoyed playing traditional Ghanaian games on Tuesday. On Wednesday, everyone was busy baking traditional Ghanaian sweets, which went on sale at the Thursday bake sale. It was wonderful to see everyone in their beautiful outfits on Friday and at the assembly, we all thoroughly enjoyed the dances from various regions of Ghana. Our talented Art teacher, Mr. Governor, produced a beautiful piece of artwork, which is on display in the office area. As part of our Ghana Month at ISA,  we learnt about different parts of Ghana from some of the staff. Mr. Hamza Bortey Bortei, Ms. Winifred Naaikuur and Ms. Christine Kwamifoli when they presented the regions they are from in Ghana. They each taught us some simple words, told us about traditional foods and customs and also showed the dance styles from their region. Thank you to the Ghana Month committee, Ms. Adutwumwaa, Ms. Hagan, Ms. Kwamifoli, and Mr. Governer, for organising the activities.