Snake Safety Assembly

Today, we had the privilege of welcoming Dr. Alfred Poku, a parent and Chief Medical Officer of Medisite Services Ghana, who gave an informative and engaging talk on snake safety. The session was organised to help students understand how to react if they encounter a snake, an important topic given the occasional sightings of snakes around the school and the MKV area.

Dr. Poku emphasised that if you see a snake, it is crucial not to panic or move quickly. Instead, slowly step back, create distance from the snake without making sudden movements. He also debunked common myths about snake bites, explaining that you should never suck the venom from a bite or apply a tourniquet. Instead, the best approach is to remain calm and still until help arrives.

Students were highly engaged during the session and asked many insightful questions, all of which Dr. Poku answered with patience and expertise. A big thank you to Dr. Poku for taking the time to educate us on this important subject!