A Virtual Evening with Prof. Jonathan Haidt 

On Monday, 10th February, Frankfurt International School in Germany hosted a virtual event featuring Professor Jonathan Haidt, author of The Anxious Generation. The invitation was extended to parents; the majority of families joined online, and some joined the watch party in the Library.

Attendees gained valuable insights into how schools, families, and communities can create supportive environments that foster resilience and emotional well-being among young learners. Prof. Haidt’s research-based presentation highlighted alarming trends in youth mental health and the key factors contributing to the crisis. Here is a recap of the presentation:

  1. The decline of free play and independence has fundamentally changed childhood. Children are growing up in hyper-structured, adult-supervised environments, or worse, isolated on their screens; and are missing out on critical opportunities to build resilience.
  1. We introduced smartphones and social media to children without fully understanding the long-term impact. The data is now undeniable: the sharp rise in anxiety, depression, and self-harm among young people coincides with the era of constant digital connection, particularly for pre-teens.
  1. It is not too late to reverse course, but meaningful change requires collective action. Delaying smartphone use, encouraging real-world play, and resisting the forces that keep children glued to screens are not just options; they are essential steps toward a healthier future.

Frankfurt International School shared a recording of the symposium, which was made available to those who could not attend. As a community, we will continue this important conversation.