Lloyd Mensah


On Friday, 20th January 2023, the Year 9 class gave a thought-provoking performance in assembly time. It was a reenactment of a court case where a family challenged a school district on the grounds of discrimination against their culture, regarding a rule to ban dreadlocks and the wearing of arm bands. More information about the performance...
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From 19th January to 16th February, 2023,  the International School of Ahafo is hosting a workshop on Teaching Jolly Phonics to Nursery, KG and Class 1 teachers from four local schools and ISA Teaching Assistants. This is part of our community service strategy as we believe that our support to local schools will be sustainable...
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This year, our Student Council has held a number of fundraising events. They have decided to donate half of the money raised to a local school and use the rest of the money for Student Councils initiatives at ISA. This week, the Student Council took their donation of school supplies to the Asempaneye D/A Basic...
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In assembly time on 20th January 2023, students looked at the school’s Guiding Statements, the Vision, Mission and Core Values, and considered how effectively these are implemented in the school. These Guiding Statements were written before the school expanded and the students were asked to think about whether they are still relevant to our current school....
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The Harmattan Concert on Friday, 9th December was an excellent way to finish off Term 1.  A big thank you to our students and teachers for the performances and to Year 9 for doing such a fine job as compères for the event.  It was also wonderful to see some parents, past parents and Board members joining us for...
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Department Contact Info

Mensah Kumta Village
Newmont Ghana Gold Limited – Ahafo
Kenyasi, Ahafo Region, Ghana.

T: +233 503017826
E: rita.dzide-tei@isa.edu.gh ; info@isa.edu.gh

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info

Student Resources