

The Student Council candidates gave presentations to the whole school about why they should be chosen for Student Council. We were all very impressed with the quality of the speeches. Voting was completed online and winners announced. The old Student Council handed over their roles to the new Student Council. Student Council achievements February 2023...
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Parents and Students joined us for the Parent Information evening to look at Post ISA options. The possible paths students can take were discussed in some detail. It is important for parents to look into the various options and decide what is best for their children and family. Thank you to Mr. Yaotse, Mr. Nomafo...
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Today in assembly, the Student Council presented the donations that were collected from the ISA community to representatives from The Department of Social Welfare and Development, Asutifi North District Assembly. Mr.Osei-Oduro spoke to the children and staff about the work they do in the local community. We were also reminded about how fortunate we are...
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Today, we celebrated the end of Term 1 and the beginning of our holidays with the Harmattan Concert. It was wonderful to see the performances from each class. The older students did a fabulous job of hosting the show. We are very proud of our students. In the older Years particularly, the students take on...
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This week, we celebrated STEAM Week at ISA. The students had a daily challenge and it was interesting to see how they approached the challenges. On Monday, we looked at Line Art and decorated our fences with it. The Early Years explored a building challenge. Domino challenges were enjoyed by everyone on Tuesday. On Wednesday,...
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Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Meet the ISA Community event on Saturday. It was wonderful to see so many parents there. Thank you to all the student speakers – they did a great job introducing the various people in the ISA Community. We would especially like to thank the Board and...
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What a fabulous Masquerade Party! It was wonderful to see so many parents and students  there in their masks and dancing. The Student Council did a great job with organising this event and with the decorations. Thank you and well done! Thank you also to all the staff who helped out.
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We all had a wonderful day on Thursday as the school celebrated World Teachers’ Day. The students did a fantastic job of teaching some of the classes. We also thoroughly enjoyed the games and races the Student Council organised. The teachers are all in agreement – it is truly a pleasure to be a teacher,...
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Classes did a fantastic job decorating their classrooms with an Autumn theme. It was a very difficult decision for the judges to decide which one was the best. Year 1 and 2 were the winners, with the Early Years getting an honourable mention. We also had a fun afternoon of games organised by the Student...
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Ms. Esther Hagan led this week’s assembly with the reading of a story, The Day the Crayons Quit – a story touching on such themes as diversity, inclusion, cooperation. The students then learnt a new technique for creating pictures using crayons and watercolours. There were some great results in the end.
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Department Contact Info

Mensah Kumta Village
Newmont Ghana Gold Limited – Ahafo
Kenyasi, Ahafo Region, Ghana.

T: +233 503017826
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Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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